Monday, September 17, 2018

The Prophet Arathol Arrives

The Prophet Arathol is a man in his 40’s. He wears rings on all his fingers and large earrings in both of his ears. He says he comes in name of his god. He comes alone or with a following, but he always takes the time to be there for those in need. Time seems to slow down around him.

The domain of his god is:
1. Time and Stars – Those who study the stars can know the future and the past.
2. Blinding Light – The fiery truth will burn all darkness away.
3. Darkness and Depth – In the deep of the darkness lives an answer for all.
4. The Moon, the Fading Light – Only when light fades can you know the truth.
5. Magic and Illusion – Every trick is rooted in reality.
6. Ritual and Family – The most important thing in life is order around you.

The people of the city flock the street to greet Arathol with:
1. Apathy, they actually are not there for him, but to celebrate a holiday.
2. Gatherings at home, made illegal by the ruling temple.
3. Sticks and stones that may break his bones.
4. A big parade through the city.
5. Familiarity, he is not the first prophet that comes by and not the last either.
6. lynching him on the town square, or hang him there.

What does the Prophet Arathol want in this city?
1. Free his god from the chains of the temple.
2. Gather people for a crusade to a far-away land.
3. Warn the people of this city of a dire threat that is coming.
4, Summon his god to the material plane.
5. Announce that the last era has arrived.
6. Get in control of a powerful artifact that is buried underneath the city.

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